File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 40

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 18:48:13 -0200
Subject: Re: Roses

Now, this one, I can read ! <g>  Thanks.  It really sounds like a wonderful
time of real "learning" which takes place from seeing others learn and
watching those who already "know" DO IT or direct it !  Sounds somewhat
similar to the ones in Chartres, France - I've never been there but have
always wanted to go.

At 06:02 PM 11/21/96 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 11/21/96 3:09:17 AM, David Adams wrote:
>>Can you tell us more about the O'Neill Conference ?  It's a new one on me !
>The National Puppetry Conference is held at the O'Neill Theater Center in
>Waterford, Connecticut in June of each year. This coming year's conference
>(June 14-22) will be the 7th annual. It was established at O'Neill to
>maintain a puppetry presence there after IPPA (Institute of Professional
>Puppetry Arts) closed its doors. 
>Jane Henson established the Rose Endowment which funds, in part, the puppetry
>conference, as does The Henson Legacy.
>This conference, open to puppeteers, writers, and others who are involved in
>or wish to pursue a professional career in puppetry arts. The conference
>focuses on performance rather than construction technique, although last
>summer we did teach marionette construction (and will, next-). But the thrust
>was on USING these marionettes in performance. I'll just mention here that
>with all of the "ensemble" projects and individual projects going on, one
>couldn't help pick up some construction "techniques" in the process. You know
>how it is David. All you have to do is ASK a puppeteer...........
>There were about 31 participants last summer in several area of study. Each
>year, guest artists are invited to "direct" an ensemble project. Working with
>a manageable number of participants, they create, refine, rehearse and
>present a performance piece at the end of the week. Collaboration is key to
>the process. One example of how the "give and take" works there: Last summer,
>during Eric Bass' workshop, Eric was asked what he wanted to happen "here,"
>in the performance. He replied "I don't know." I suspect he then asked: "What
>do YOU think should happen?" Larry Hunt was the other Artist in Residence.
>Besides the two ensemble pieces, there are Master Classes conducted by the
>staff and the visiting artists; Continuum Projects (formerly Page to Stage)
>wherein the participant brings a work in progress, sometimes from the
>previous year, to rework and refine with the help of the staff; Individual
>Projects which participants develop with the help of the staff; and the
>Marionette Seminar. 
>Some of the visiting artists over the years have been Larry Reed, Albrecht
>Roser, Roman Paska, Marty Robinson, Jim and Margo Rose, Larry Hunt. 
>In 1997 Theodora Skipitares and Jon Ludwig will be the guest artists for the
>ensemble pieces. 
>Others on "staff" are Jane Henson, Executive Director; Richard Termine,
>Artistic Director; George Latshaw, Assistant Artistic Director, Bart.
>Roccoberton, Managing Director, Bobbi Nidzgorski, Assistant Managing Director
>and Registrar; Annie Evans, Resident Playwright; Lenny Pinna, Resident
>Dramaturg, Margo and Jim Rose and myself teaching the marionette seminar;
>Marty Robinson, Workshop Overseer.  There is an ancillary staff of stage
>managers, tech director, etc,. etc.
>Participants are selected on the basis of a number of factors which would
>best be described by Richard Termine.  Last summer, the participants were of
>college age and up with varying levels of experience. Some were returning
>participants from years past. Some had related experiences but were not
>puppeteers. Several playwrights, etc. 
>The staff, even, are encouraged to explore their own ideas with puppets
>hopefully involving the participants. 
>The various backgrounds and levels of skill which the participants and staff
>bring to the conference make for a learning-sharing  experience unique in all
>the current offerings. And all done with great love, concern and respect for
>the art, the participants and the staff. One nice event, which will be
>repeated next year, is the presentation by Jane Henson of an oral-video
>retrospective of Jim's work and career. Very fascinating and moving. 
>It is an astounding week of non-stop puppetry at an intense level, in a
>beautiful setting, with great food.  So civilized and wonderful!
>Deadline for Application: April 1, 1997
>Contact: Bobbi Nidzgorski, Registrar
>              The National Puppetry Conference
>              41 White Birch Circle,
>		   Niantic, CT. 06357
>I hope this helps.
>Fred Thompson
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David M. Adams
591 Old Stage Road
Frederick, Maryland, 21703

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