File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 48

Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 04:55:15 -0800
From: Steve Axtell <>
Subject: Re: "AXclusive Puppets" Survey

Joe thanks for your thoughts.  Did you get our survey on this subject?  Ax

At 07:21 PM 11/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>Many people buy our puppets and begin to use them, only to discover that
>>another performer is also using them in their area.  To some this is a big
>>deal because they want to be perceived as unique, to others they don't mind
>>because their performance is different.  I understand both sides well. 
>  I feel that the performer who only wants to pay the amount for a mass
>produced puppet (and tapes) shouldn't expect exclusivity. However, if they
>will be a bit more creative themselves, they can make their puppet unique
>enough to distinguish themselves from the competition.
>  Your Bulldog puppet already has a personality, that is a great help to the
>person who wishes to not create the personality themselves. But, to get the
>bargin price, they have to "share" that character with the other purchasers.
>  If they don' have the ability to create their own character (for example,
>that same bulldog could be a sweet, lovable character instead of grumpy)
>then they also have the option to hire their own writer. They might change
>the clothing dramatically as well.
>  I would be afrade that you are going to create difficulties for yourself
>if you try to grant any regional exclusivity. People move, they visit
>friends durring the summer, they sell their puppets, they forget about their
>Ventriloquism career for a decade - and then pick it back up later. These
>thing would make it difficult to guarantee exclusivity.
>  Perhaps an alternative would be to offer more variety in your existing
>product line. Your book is available in both a young and old face. Maybe
>your bulldog could be available as a female or male and perhaps other
>clothing sets. Maybe you can offer a "customization" service that won't
>require to prepare things in advance, but you could consult with the
>purchaser about what they want. If an "Artist Bulldog" is desicided on, you
>contact your costume designer about makeing him an artist's smock - perhaps
>then that character is an exclusive because they have paid you for that
>particular customization.
>  A local puppet maker I just spoke with gets requests like... "I would like
>to buy a puppet", "What kind of puppet", "Oh, I don't know... maybe a
>leopard", "What kind of personality does this leopard have", "I don't know,
>you do what you think best". They don't want to just buy a puppet, they want
>a character created for them. The customer won't state it that way, but that
>is the reality. And they aren't willing to pay for this "additional
>service", because they are viewing this service as part of making a puppet.
>I have the same problem with the TV Pilot I am making puppets for.
>  Perhaps the "multiple choice" approach is the best way to help such a
>customer to get started on their own task of creating the character., so
>they can choose things like gender and age. Perhaps this is minimal
>customization, but it is a start.
>Joe Dunfee
>Miami, Florida USA
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