File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 59

Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 22:15:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Joe Dunfee <>
Subject: Re: puppet construction

>	I just read your mail on Verna's tape on puppet construction.  What
>style of puppetry does it cover?  Are the puppets foam or cloth, and
>does it require extensive sewing experience?  How about the quality of
>the tapes?  Someone else said it lacked something.  And are the puppets
>professional quality?
>--Jim Maroon

  The puppets are made from a base of sheet foam (carpet padding) glued
together into a hollow shell. Then to add features a chunk of foam is glued
on (such as the cheak area) and then carved to the final shape by cutting
off bits of it with scissors. For me the main discovery in attending Verna's
workshop was the technique of covering the foam with cloth. I always assumed
you had to make a pattern - sew it on a machine inside out - then place it
over the puppets skull. However, she teaches the "muppet stitch" (also known
as a ladder stitch) that allows you to first stretch the cloth over the
puppet, cut the seams off, and then sew it while it is on the puppet.
  Everyone in the class did ok, even though many had no experience with
sewing. Several part of the puppet (such as constructing the base for the
the mouth and the hands and neck) really do require the use of a sewing
machine. But a sewing novice could handle it.
  But reguarding the sewing, I was the one who commented about the image
quality of the video. This is critical in seeing how the sewing is done, and
if the current videos being sold are like the ones we got 5 years ago, you
just can't see the stitch. You will need someone else to teach it to you. 
  The puppet construction technique is quite professional and also somewhat
laborious. It takes three full days for a person experienced with her
techniques to make one puppet. But it does allow a great deal of control
over the appearance of the puppet.

  Again, to reiterate, Verna's Puppet making video represents the best there
available for an in-depth construction technique. The things she teaches has
certainly increased the artistic level of the puppets that local puppeteers
are making. Her willingness to teach this all over the US has surely done
the same throughout the country. 

  Maybe we need to make a nomination for a national PofA award for this
achievement. Which award would be the most appropriate?

Joe Dunfee
Miami, Florida USA

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