File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 60

Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 22:35:55 -0500 (EST)
From: (Joe Dunfee)
Subject: Re: puppet construction

>Gotcha !!!  Finally, just slow, I guess ! <g>  I understand and thanks !
>Now another question occurs to me, does she have some different method for
>heads and bodies or does she use sheet foam, for example.  And I assume that
>they have the "wide mouths", a la a typical "muppet"

  That was another of the "great ideas" I was able to get from verna's
workshop. While yes, the general layout of the head is similar to the
widemouth muppet, there are a few techniques used to reduce the apparent
width of the mouth. Also, the "foam sculpting" is really useful in defining
the features of the face. Much better than the round shape sesame street
characters in my opinion. (remember that the sesame street puppets were
created with the specific idea of not indicating race etc.)
  The matboard (the stuff used for picture framing) is cut in a bell shape
and glued to a sturdy cloth to form the  mouth. (similar to my attempt at
ASCII art below)
    -     -
   |       |
   |       | <-Top of mouth
   |       |
  /         \    .- This is a 1/4" to 1/2" gap between
 '-----------'__/   the two parts of the mouth that allow
 ,-----------,      for some freedom of movement between them
  \         / 
   |       | <-Bottom of mouth
   |       |
   |       |
    -_   _-

  Note that while the widest part of the mouth is still going from Ear to
Ear of the puppet, as it must for the mouth to hinge well - it narrows as
the mouth goes to the front of the face. Also, as the fabric is brought from
the face, and over the edge of the mouth, the cloth is kept straight and
doesnot follow the edge of the bell. This is so that when the mouth is wide
open, you see an oval shape, rather than the shape of the two bell-shaped parts.

   If we keep this up, you won't have to buy the video!

Joe Dunfee
Miami, Florida USA

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