File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 65

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 17:01:19 -0200
Subject: Re: puppet construction

So true !  I remember, years ago at a regional festival seeing a Canadian
gal, named Levine and her "Max".  Max was just a small (sort of "toy puppet"
sized) puppet and she performed in quite a large hall.  However, you didn't
NEED to see Max closely as her manipulation was truly "masterful".  He
convinced you that he was a real "little person", sitting in her hand or on
her arm (Max had legs which I don't usually like to see on a handpuppet but
this was really something very special !) and conveyed so much with his
"persona" and life-like movement that even in a large hall, it was really a
great performance.  She was SO good that you hardly gave "her" credit for
the performance, it was "Max" that did it ! <g>

At 10:43 AM 11/23/96 -0600, you wrote:
>A good thing to point out is that these videos come with a number of
>patterns, fabric samples and foam samples.
>The patterns do need some clean up, but they are great for someone just
>getting started.
>Also, people who are just starting out should keep in mind that when it
>comes to making puppets, you use what works.  It is not what goes into a
>puppet that matters, but what you get out of it.
>Shawn A. Svacha
>Puppet Creations
>(713) 943-8057
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David M. Adams
591 Old Stage Road
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