File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 84

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 00:28:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Puppetry Yearbk. "47 & Arnott's "Oedipus"

In a message dated 12/1/96 10:15:55 PM, Randel McGee wrote:

>I've enjoyed all the talk about the Roses and other important historical
>figures in puppetry. Years ago a local book collector said he had an old
>puppet book he'd found that really didn't interest him. He gave it to me. It
>is a 1947 Puppetry Yearbook published by Paul McPharlin. It contains
>pictures of the P of A Fest held at the Rose's Farm in Connecticut. Some
>very famous and noteworthy folks appear in this book , including a very
>young Sid ( or is it Marty?) Krofft. A very touching section of the book
>contains reports from puppeteers from around the world as they describe the
>affects that World War II had on their lands, people, and their artistic

Hi Randal,

Thanks for that info. 
I'm doing an article (if I'm not too late) for the Journal on the 1946
Festival, the first to be held since the war began. Sid Kroft was indeed
present at the Rose's home. As were many noteable figures in the world of
puppetry . 

The reading of the International Reports of puppeteers from around the world
in the Puppetry Yearbook before and after the war would be an interesting
study. One can read about the fear, threat, and the reality of the war as it
affected so many puppeteers abroad. Paul McPharlin had no idea, I'm sure,
just what a great historical document his PUPPETRY Yearbooks would become.
These Yearbooks are a great source of information. 

Appropos of that war, Canadian puppeteer Ronnie Burkett's production of
TINKA'S NEW DRESS deals with the outlawed Czech. underground puppet shows
known as "Daisies." (The daisy can grow in the dark.) They performed during
the Nazi occupation. 

In your "spare time" ;-) perhaps you could do some digging and write
something about Peter Arnott's production of "Oedipus." It would be great to
read about it. 


Fred Thompson

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