File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 85

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 17:15:33 +1000
From: (Janet Dalgliesh)
Subject: Never Again...

Hi everyone

At the risk of getting well and truly flamed, I feel strongly enough to
forward this to y'all.  Hope you don't mind.

>The following just arrived in my in-box, and I'm forwarding it to as many
>people as I feel are appropriate from my address book. Thanks.
>A group of NEO-NAZIS are trying to form a newsgroup on Usenet called
>"", so that they can get  their message of hate out
>to young people using the Internet.  Newsgroups are public discussions on
>the Internet and their  formation requires enough support from the
>Internet community.
>EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US HAS ONE VOTE when it comes to creating a new
>Usenet  group.  I hope you will vote NO and  thereby tell these NAZIS we
>don't want their stuff on the net.  Below is the procedure, please repost
>this plea and get the NO  vote out.  If you want to see the official call
>for votes, you can  try on "".      DO NOT VOTE TWICE - that
>would constitute voting fraud.
>HOW TO VOTE:  Send e-mail (posts to newsgroups are invalid) to:
>This is an impartial, third party vote taker.  Please check the address
>before you mail your vote. Your  mail message,  to be accepted by the
>counting computer,  must  contain only the following statement with no
>I vote NO on
>Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these  directions may mean
>that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not  receive an
>acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the  votetaker
>about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote  is
>registered correctly.
>Here's what Canada's George Burdi, of the neo-Nazi Heritage  Front, had
>to say about this vote, on February 21, on his  RESISTANCE mailing list:
>"There is a call for votes coming on in the next
>week or so, and you will be notified in a  special issue of RREN exactly
>what to do.  FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE  LETTER.  Let me be perfectly
>blunt and state that we have more than enough  net-nazis to win this
>thing handsdown. But every one of you must vote YES!   And just voting
>yes means othing unless you do it properly.  So you have    been
>forewarned.  The instructions are coming to your email  box soon, and
>they are not complicated.  Just follow them as told, and we will have a
>WP  music newsgroup finally!"
>If Mr. Burdi's confidence disturbs you, please give this letter  the
>widest possible distribution, and help us deliver the  largest NO vote in
>the history of the UseNet.

Janet Dalgliesh and Hugh Simpson

"Poverty is the greatest violence"
Mahatma Ghandi

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