File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 98

Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 06:54:55 PST
Subject: Re: Never Again...
From: (David M Boiano)

>I tend to think that one should make up one's OWN mind as to what one 
>would or would not support and you can't do that if you don't "see" it
>"hear" it in the first place.  Censors would deny you the right to make
>your own choice as to the "goodness" or "badness" of what is being
>said.Just remember that when "we" censor "them", WE wind up being
>censored as well in the long run and we may have given up some of >our
OWN rights and privileges without realizing it.

You're absolutely right about everything you said which is why I wrote "I
didn't know who I would want to draw the line and where".
I think that problem I had with the post I replied to, and I thought it
was fairly clear, that I am getting tired of people throwing "freedom of
speech" in my face every time they want to talk garbage.  
Yes, I know that's relative thing, while I may think singing songs to
kids endorsing drug use and murder is garbage, others may somehow find
that socially redeeming.  But that's a discussion that could go on

Dave  8^)

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