File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1998/puptcrit.9807, message 120

Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 19:32:44 -0700
From: Richard Landon <>
Subject: PUPT: Re:Baby puppets

I can think of several baby puppets that have been used to portray
infants or children in film history.  2001: A Space Odyssey had its star
child, 2010 (the sequel to 2001) had one too - even better, there was a
anti-smoking public service announcement (commercial) a few years back
with a SPFX created infant-in-womb shot.  Eric Allard's company All
Effects did a wondreful alien baby (almost 100% human looking) that was
rather nice for the Alien Nation TV series.  I worked on a young child
(2 years) to child (10 years) transformation effect for my boss, Stan
Winston, for the movie Starman.  Effects of this type are very expensive
so they are rarely attempted (the magnitude of the subject matter is
obviously is the biggest reason it's so hard), unless it is integral to
the plot.  Rental house prop babies are usually pretty tragic in the
quality department.  There doesn't seem to be a reasonable resourse for
TV/Film producers.  The best portrayals of birth events seems to me to
be carefully shot footage of the real thing!

Just my thoughts-
Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you are riding a dead
horse, the best strategy is to dismount.

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