File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1998/puptcrit.9807, message 123

Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 06:40:41 EDT
Subject: Re: PUPT: Buffalo Bob Smith

A correction concerning the Howdy Doody Marionette:  Howdy started out as a
character on radio, voiced by Bob Smith.  When the television show began, a
puppet was needed: that's where Frank Paris came in.  But after several months
Paris walked off the set in a huff, taking his original Howdy with him.  A
Disney artist designed a new Howdy (which looked nothing like the first one)
and the sketches were turned over to Velma Dawson, who made the Howdy we all
know so well.  (As part of the settlement with NBC, Paris destroyed the
original marionette.)

When it became clear that a duplicate of Dawson's Howdy was needed, prop man
Scott Brinker made the third Howdy, dubbed "Double Doody," which is now in the
Smithsonian's collection.  Brinker also made Mr. Bluster, Dilly Dally, and

Rufus and Margo Rose made additional Howdys for use in still photos and the
Canadian TV version of the show.

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