File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1998/puptcrit.9807, message 13

From: "Cathy Statler" <>
Subject: Re: PUPT: request for guided help
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 12:39:12 -0400

Michelle, gifted middle school students are capable of making their own
puppets. What you need to concern yourself with is the budget. If your wish
list contains sheets and scrap fabrics you can gather materials.  Have the
students decide on the script they would like to perform .  They may choose
to write it themselves. Then they can decide on whether to make body puppets
from an outline drown around a student on the floor, paper mache hand
puppets made from balloon centers, or simple hand puppets made from fabric.
If you are going to make rod puppets or marionettes you will need to gather
popcicle sticks or window blind scraps from department stores that cut them
to order. If you have an overhead projector, you might consider shadow
puppets.  It depends on how elaborate you want the production to be and how
much time you have to devote to the project.  Mumenschanz was featured
several times on the Ed Sullivan Show. Yours,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffre Harrison <>
To: puptcrit-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 10:00 AM
Subject: PUPT: request for guided help

>I have just subscribed to this list.  I am not at all an experienced
>puppet maker, I mainly make dolls.
>But, I teach gifted middle school students and I am interested in
>puppets as a performance outlet.  I would be thrilled to have
>suggestions from you puppet veterans.
>I also would appreciate very much if anyone has any information on
>Mumenschanz.  I would like to get some of their video tapes for my
>students to watch.  If you haven't seen them, they are an avante garde
>whole body troupe.
>Thank you,
>Michelle Harrison   <>
>Winter Park, Florida
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