File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1999/puptcrit.9906, message 162

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:19:40 EDT
Subject: PUPT: Digital Age for Puppeteers

I am a  "professional" pop songwriter and I am producing a short clip that 
uses puppets. I have found this digital discussion amusing as I am a digital 
musician. I have been writing songs on computers since 1988. I have been 
hearing all the same arguments for and against this modern digital age in my 
own field. Personally my opinion is what ever tool fits the end product. I 
write on computers, acoustic piano, and electric or acoustic guitar. Depends 
on the type of song I am writing. I have to be careful that my songs are not 
totally dependent on the computer (i.e., the songs could also be played on a 
piano) and that the story is always strong.

I have a question I would like to ask in the digital field.  I would like to 
produce a 30 sec. clip using stop motion puppets.  Does any one know if I can 
do this with one of the new Sony digital 8 camcorder (also with still photo 
Mode) Adobe Premiere and a fast Mac ?  How exactly is this done? Are there 
other suggestions of equipment we could use?  We have a very modest budget.  
Can anyone tell me where I can find more info in this area. I want to work 
more with puppets and computers. 

Thanks so much, 

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