File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0205, message 130

Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 23:17:54 EDT
Subject: Re: PUPT: The role of the puppet/training

Here's Wayong's list, and my views on how to replace a few of them with 
normal stuff: 

<<Ideal training wish list:
mask & movement/mime training   
                            Dance lessons or taekwondo class
voice lessons                           
                            Speech class and singing in choir
prop building                           
theatre design including:                   
developing at least 2 collapsable stages  
                            Looking at pictures in books; also carpentry 
scenic painting                         
                            Silk-dyeing techniques (lightweight, see-through 
from performer's side)
non-toxic casting methods.  
                            Talk to a university art teacher and borrow his 
modern dance lessons
                            Dance lessons, and go out dancing nights. A LOT
various methods of developing puppets   
                            Read Bil Baird's Art of the Puppet; learn how to 
script writing                      
                            Read lots of dramas esp. historical 
creative writing            
                            Read lots and do all your writing assignments in 
lighting techniques                                             
                            Electrical wiring (ask someone)                     
development of theatre techniques (pacing, staging use of space)    
                            Some acting experience; try out for plays
designing puppets & dolls       
                            Buy puppets and dolls
mask building                                                   
                            Ask a good high-school art teacher
marketing techniques!:                      
                            Hire a professional photographer and ask a 
successful entertainer
grant writing                               
                            Have another profession and make money
                            Go online and talk to people; join PoA and go to 
                            Write promo materials and show them to someone 
else;                                   watch other entertainers and ask for 
their flyers, card, etc.

    My personal choice would be metal casting, planishing and dishing, 
soldering, jeweler's metalworking skills. And I take silk-dye classes 
whenever I can. And where is the art history class? And music lessons? 
(Musicians, esp. pianists develop manual dexterity, both hands.) 

    Safe to say a puppeteer had better know lots of stuff in a very wide 
range of pursuits; but a lot of the things mentioned above can be learned in 
the course of a good liberal arts education; the remainder (with the 
exception of the really DANGEROUS) skills can be learned by a pushy, curious 
person. -- for free

My ten cents,

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