File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0205, message 69

Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 21:21:21 -0400
Subject: PUPT: long distance work/ toy companies

Recently, I've been re-evaluating my career options as I haven't been able to find any work as a therapist, art therapist, educator or in special ed or remotely related to the arts.

At this point, most of my local options have been all tapped out (unless I meet someone who can give me an 'in' to a job).
I'm seriously considering remote work - working for a company from where I live & fed exing or sending work via internet, etc.  I'm mainly interested in toy companies or anything similiar.  I'm not sure how to go about it, or how to approach these companies or if this is even possible.  Relocating closer to NYC, London, or Minneapolis isn't possible currently (maybe down the road).

Does anyone know if this is possible or am I dreaming? How would I go about doing this? How would I get a database of toy companies, etc. to contact. I'm thinking of companies like Manhattan Toy & McFarlane, but I imagine there would be more.  
While I have been able to make more art, I have realised that I'm not able to work fast enough to build/design dolls & puppets that are cost effective (not selling at a lost or be 'overpriced' considering what people here spend on art, if at all).  An opportunity to work long distance may be my best bet for employment as I need be gainfully employed soon.

Please, any suggestions (beyond the obvious, please!!) or contacts would be much appreciated.  If you have experiences doing this type of work, please share them!


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