File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 102

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 17:33:09 EDT
Subject: PUPT: Training for Puppeteers / Fettig Book?

The George Latshaw book, The Complete Book of Puppetry, has some great 
excercises in the "characterization" chapter you could use to strengthen 
puppetry skills.  I often go through them when working with a new puppet, it 
can help you familiarize yourself with its range of motion, emotion, 
expression, etc...

And while I have e message out (I have been a lurker for a while, first time 
posting) and I am talking about books, does ANYONE have ANY IDEA how I could 
get my hands on Hansjurgen Fettig's book, Rod Puppets and Table-Top 
Puppets???!!!  I contacted Mr. DaSilva and he is out of copies, as is the 
Puppetry Store.  I know it is out of print, but there has to be SOME WAY to 
get a copy...? Sigh.  I will pay good hard earned money for it if anyone can 
sell me a copy.


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