File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 11

Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 22:49:39 EDT
Subject: PUPT: curtain cable

Robert and others:
    When I lived in Europe, I frequently saw and used the curtain's small gauge, but fairly stiff.  Intended use was for "cafe" 
curtains which had a hem, thru which the cable ran, and was attached to the 
window frame with a screw through a loop on either end.  I found it in 
hardware stores.  I'm surprised you cannot find it in the US.  Seems I've 
seen it, but have not used it because it was too stiff for puppet work.  
There is a company downtown LA, Century Springs, that have just about every 
kind of spring known to man.  I'd have to look for their tel number, but I'll 
bet they have a web site since they have catalogs.  If you have a problem 
finding them, email me and I'll try to find the number.  Jim Gamble

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