File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 117

Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 12:11:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chacha <>
Subject: Re: PUPT: Eureka!

I agree that an element of a show that piques concern
in the audience is worth attention...but instead of
erasing it, it seems that this questionable element
would require more work and development. It's one
thing to say that part of a show doesn't make sense -
to cut it without a second thought would be to
undermine the creative interconnections between
art/politics/emotion/social concern...

Actually, if I could vent a little on questionable
elements...(with a solution at the end)
One theme I have seen SEVERAL times in the past two
years by different puppeteers in three different
cities has been puppetshows involving adult themes of
child molestation/rape done in an improvised/steam

I worked on a show about this theme (molestation)
intensively for the good part of a year with Liebe
Wetzel in 2000 (Snake in the Basement) - and I
remember an evening of puppetry in San Francisco in
which a marionette artist decided to have a pedophile
moment - directly proceding our show. It was such a
shock to the audience - an audience that was very
amenable to edgy material...that half the people left.
There was a big speak out afterwards and essentially,
a talented intelligent audience made their own art out
of their outrage. The puppeteer was in trouble -
because he did not come prepared for having ignited
hoards of articulate women who had been working
through their own histories of child sexual abuse.

Where this evening brought me, two years later,
concerning offensive material, is that the love and
generosity of spirit of the puppeteer must be
This offensive puppeteer did not do a good deed in the
audience...he had done no research on his subject. I
am certain he was modelling himself in the
torture/circus "we're gonna piss you off" genre - but
this behavior mimics typical teenage acting out and
this anger needs to be addressed.
He was not prepared to lead a forum about his
incendiary material. He did apologize for upsetting
the audience -some of whom would have opted out of
viewing his show had they known the content. No, the
good deed was performed by the organizers of the event
who made sure the audience (i.e. guests) was cared

This doesn't mean that Mr. Questionable Puppeteer
should not pursue the theme - but it seemed he was
lazy. Lazy in that he used a powerful and painful
subject matter to do his work for him. I don't know
what he learned from his tar/feathering, but I hope he
reflected on his motivations. Because this subject is
very important. Important issues require love,
dedication, and our very best efforts!!


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