File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 130

Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:27:41 -0400
From: mark segal <>
Subject: Re: PUPT: Eureka!


  Bill Jones wrote:

> Sometimes the performer is ahead of his time.
> "Carmen" was a flop...
> ...but in time..people began to love it.

Don't know anything about Carmen

> Picasso was ahead of his time...
> That's happened in many fields of art.

Some people didn't like his work, others did, that is why he could keep 
doing it.

You didn't mention Thorton Wilder who's "Skin of Our Teeth" was booed at 
its opening in Boston.
Or Beethoven whose work was certainty disparaged by the critics of the time.
Or even Galilleo who was jailed.
And I am sure there were countless others.

But on the other hand just because a piece raises controversy, does not 
make it a good or worthwhile endeavor. Artists and thinkers who go 
against the norm  are absolutely necessary for any society to grow.
I am sure that they have their supporters in the others that can see 
their "vision". Critics can be very wrong.
What I am stressing is that we have to know our audience because a lot 
of times our audience has no choice in choosing us and we have a 
contract and obligation..
With what Mary was writing about, I had a similar situation many (many) 
years ago with a slapstick. I changed my opening to showing the 
slapstick, made it into a funny routine and asked the parents for their 
"permission" to use it. End of problem.
Every time there is some question about "the work" it becomes an 
opportunity to problem solve.
Never do I want to shove my view into someone else's face. Want to make 
it accessible to be found.
And gee wouldn't you know it, I am a fan of the avant guard...

> occasionally a performer/artist is creating in a new world of 
> ideas...which we, the "audience " may have to learn to grow into...

I believe I did mention educating and audience. However you can't make a 
person see what they don't want to see.

This seems to be a new mail writing thing! so I apologize if something 
is not right......I am not used to it yet.




Bill Jones wrote:
Sometimes the performer is ahead of his time.
"Carmen" was a flop...
...but in time..people began to love it.
Don't know anything about Carmen
Picasso was ahead of his time...
That's happened in many fields of art.
Some people didn't like his work, others did, that is why he could keep doing it.

You didn't mention Thorton Wilder who's "Skin of Our Teeth" was booed at its opening in Boston.
Or Beethoven whose work was certainty disparaged by the critics of the time.
Or even Galilleo who was jailed.
And I am sure there were countless others.

But on the other hand just because a piece raises controversy, does not make it a good or worthwhile endeavor. Artists and thinkers who go against the norm  are absolutely necessary for any society to grow.
I am sure that they have their supporters in the others that can see their "vision". Critics can be very wrong.
What I am stressing is that we have to know our audience because a lot of times our audience has no choice in choosing us and we have a contract and obligation..
With what Mary was writing about, I had a similar situation many (many) years ago with a slapstick. I changed my opening to showing the slapstick, made it into a funny routine and asked the parents for their "permission" to use it. End of problem.
Every time there is some question about "the work" it becomes an opportunity to problem solve.
Never do I want to shove my view into someone else's face. Want to make it accessible to be found.
And gee wouldn't you know it, I am a fan of the avant guard...
occasionally a performer/artist is creating in a new world of ideas...which we, the "audience " may have to learn to grow into...
I believe I did mention educating and audience. However you can't make a person see what they don't want to see.

This seems to be a new mail writing thing! so I apologize if something is not right......I am not used to it yet.

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