File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 138

Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 22:46:24 EDT
Subject: PUPT: Re: critics


So I played a relatively small Nebraska town once, most of them are 
small...., and did a "variety" show.  One of my acts is a witch by the name 
of Grizelda.  Now, Grizelda has never promoted her lifestyle as a practicing 
witch, but she does (and did then) explain that "Witches have careers too!  
Why my cousin lives in California on the beach....  We call her a SAND-witch! 
 she wants to be a stand-up comedian and when she's acting goofy we call her 
a 'HAM' sand-witch!  I have a career too!  I'm and aerobics instructor and 
teach people, like yourselves, how to keep fit and trim with Grizelda's 'Get 
Fit Quick' work out program."  She then launches into a very fast paced 
exercise program and gets the audience to do an isolation exercise at the end 
of the routine.  Know what?  I got FLAMED by some Wisconsin relatives of some 
town residents, who just happened to be in town!  I was accused of promoting 
witch craft and "..... ruining what had been a very pleasant show up to this 
point."  Good grief!!!!!  This happened shortly after a story teller friend 
of mine was "called on the carpet" for doing some Baba Yaga stories.  We 
celebrated by striping down to our shorts and tank tops and dancing around a 
tree during the full moon.....

Seriously, though, sometimes people take things too personally or too 
seriously and are very paranoid of EVERYTHING.  Sometimes it's JUST 
entertainment, not a subversive counter culture trying to brain wash you.  If 
those people are offended by the littlest thing, STAY HOME!!!!!!  I also 
remember by "born again" sister leaning over and whispering in my ear at a 
kids film when the Care Bears movie trailer was on.  "The rainbow is the sign 
of the devil luring kids into his ......"  I then found out I could spit 
popcorn 15 rows!  That's gotta be some kind of record!!!!!

Grizelda still performs, though, and since then I haven't gotten mentioned on 
any witch hunt lists.  I am tempted to put the sticker, "My other car is a 
broom" on my car.....  Sometimes I just can't resist getting a rise outta 
people....  Confrontation does make one think.....  eventually.

I rambled on enough.  Maybe it's because I just did a puppet workshop with 36 
kids!  Thankfully there were a lot of high school and college age helpers.  I 
gotta get some sleep.....




So I played a relatively small Nebraska town once, most of them are small...., and did a "variety" show.  One of my acts is a witch by the name of Grizelda.  Now, Grizelda has never promoted her lifestyle as a practicing witch, but she does (and did then) explain that "Witches have careers too!  Why my cousin lives in California on the beach....  We call her a SAND-witch!  she wants to be a stand-up comedian and when she's acting goofy we call her a 'HAM' sand-witch!  I have a career too!  I'm and aerobics instructor and teach people, like yourselves, how to keep fit and trim with Grizelda's 'Get Fit Quick' work out program."  She then launches into a very fast paced exercise program and gets the audience to do an isolation exercise at the end of the routine.  Know what?  I got FLAMED by some Wisconsin relatives of some town residents, who just happened to be in town!  I was accused of promoting witch craft and "..... ruining what had been a very pleasant show up to this point."  Good grief!!!!!  This happened shortly after a story teller friend of mine was "called on the carpet" for doing some Baba Yaga stories.  We celebrated by striping down to our shorts and tank tops and dancing around a tree during the full moon.....

Seriously, though, sometimes people take things too personally or too seriously and are very paranoid of EVERYTHING.  Sometimes it's JUST entertainment, not a subversive counter culture trying to brain wash you.  If those people are offended by the littlest thing, STAY HOME!!!!!!  I also remember by "born again" sister leaning over and whispering in my ear at a kids film when the Care Bears movie trailer was on.  "The rainbow is the sign of the devil luring kids into his ......"  I then found out I could spit popcorn 15 rows!  That's gotta be some kind of record!!!!!

Grizelda still performs, though, and since then I haven't gotten mentioned on any witch hunt lists.  I am tempted to put the sticker, "My other car is a broom" on my car.....  Sometimes I just can't resist getting a rise outta people....  Confrontation does make one think.....  eventually.

I rambled on enough.  Maybe it's because I just did a puppet workshop with 36 kids!  Thankfully there were a lot of high school and college age helpers.  I gotta get some sleep.....

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