File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 158

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 20:56:55 EDT
Subject: PUPT: Searching for info


Northern Arizona University in northern Arizona gave us 4 large boxes of 
marionettes and some typewritten scripts to go with them.  All they knew was 
that they had been donated to them.  The only names I've found on the papers 

On scripts:
Mary Jean Ganton
Jean Bauer
Margaret Burns
Stensgaard Puppets, Los Angeles, CA (at the bottom of 1 script)
Grace Barnes

On a program for English I classes:
Mrs. M. J. Sutcliffe
Dorothy Hiratsuka
Clifford Woodward
Dan Al Porto
Jerry VonderAhe
Elgie Harrison
Conchita Bondoc
Richard Welches
Margaret Soderstrom
Wanda Wallin
Hugh Peterson
Joan Hobbs
Ramona Lumnsford
Helena Somerhalder
Joann Lucido
Niiyama Shigeru
Jack Ladd
Howard Bloomfield
Ray McClendon
Donald Lee
Adeline DeJesus

On an envelope from Grace Barnes of Manhattan Beach, CA postmarked Feb 14, 
Mrs. Paul E. Weaver, Jr., Flagstaff, Arizona

Some of the puppets have nice heads and costumes and good knee joints, 
although nothing is even close to "mint."  Some of the heads are beautifully 
painted but others are pretty crude.  Some have an elbow joint; others have a 
one-piece arm that curves slightly.  Most of them have hands made from wire, 
wrapped with adhesive tape.  (ycch)  Heads are made from solid clay, or 
plaster bandage or wood.  Bodies are wood and cloth.  They have very long 
strings, attached to two same-sized dowels with notches carved in them to 
keep the strings separate.  The dowels were not attached to each other.  I 
can't imagine operating them.  

Anybody know anything about any of these people? 

Thanks for your help!

Nancy Smith
Great Arizona Puppet Theater



Northern Arizona University in northern Arizona gave us 4 large boxes of marionettes and some typewritten scripts to go with them.  All they knew was that they had been donated to them.  The only names I've found on the papers are:

On scripts:
Mary Jean Ganton
Jean Bauer
Margaret Burns
Stensgaard Puppets, Los Angeles, CA (at the bottom of 1 script)
Grace Barnes

On a program for English I classes:
Mrs. M. J. Sutcliffe
Dorothy Hiratsuka
Clifford Woodward
Dan Al Porto
Jerry VonderAhe
Elgie Harrison
Conchita Bondoc
Richard Welches
Margaret Soderstrom
Wanda Wallin
Hugh Peterson
Joan Hobbs
Ramona Lumnsford
Helena Somerhalder
Joann Lucido
Niiyama Shigeru
Jack Ladd
Howard Bloomfield
Ray McClendon
Donald Lee
Adeline DeJesus

On an envelope from Grace Barnes of Manhattan Beach, CA postmarked Feb 14, 1968:
Mrs. Paul E. Weaver, Jr., Flagstaff, Arizona

Some of the puppets have nice heads and costumes and good knee joints, although nothing is even close to "mint."  Some of the heads are beautifully painted but others are pretty crude.  Some have an elbow joint; others have a one-piece arm that curves slightly.  Most of them have hands made from wire, wrapped with adhesive tape.  (ycch)  Heads are made from solid clay, or plaster bandage or wood.  Bodies are wood and cloth.  They have very long strings, attached to two same-sized dowels with notches carved in them to keep the strings separate.  The dowels were not attached to each other.  I can't imagine operating them. 

Anybody know anything about any of these people?

Thanks for your help!

Nancy Smith
Great Arizona Puppet Theater
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