File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 16

Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 22:44:31 +0100
From: Stephen Kaplin <>
Subject: PUPT: Re: Cable

>Since I know this list is a forgiving one, and loves technical stuff,
>I ask the following question (I have searched the archives and can't
>find an answer to it)
>Has anyone in the US found a substitute for the curtain cable
>specified by Hansjurgen Fettig for his table-top puppets?
>THis is a type of spiral-wound cable that is cut to length and screw
>eyes are screwed into the ends. I think I remember something about
>this a few years ago, but can't find it.
>Thanks for the help.
>Robert Smythe
>Artistic Director
>Mum Puppettheatre
>115 Arch Street
>Philadelphia, PA 19106-2000

Have you tried strings from any musical instrument--guitar, harp, zither,
banjo, violin, bass, piano, etc? The metal strings (as opposed to the nylon
kind, which are just glorified mono-fishline) are also wrapped cables. They
come in a wide variety of thickness and guages. They all have a brass or
steel eye at one end, but not the other. Their one drawback is that they
are not very flexible, so they wont go around tight curves. And they are
relatively rough textured, so they can eventually saw through any
non-metalic surface that they rub up against. But they are cheap and
certainly plentiful. Just ask your friendly neighborhood musician friends
for his or her castoffs.

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