File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 168

Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 19:37:37 EDT
Subject: Re: PUPT: RE: Marionette donation & Puppet Slam


In a message dated 9/28/2002 9:14:13 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> The controls on the marionettes donated to Greater Arizona suggest someone 
> from the English tradition was involved.  Traveling showmen used double 
> dowel controls to make things easier to pack.  They can be surprisingly 
> effective and may have been adapted from a South East Asian form brought 
> back in the days of the Empire.

Thanks for this info.  I found one with all strings still intact and not 
tangled and tried it out.  You're right.  They walk quite well.  Head, 
shoulder and back strings are tied to one dowel.  The other dowel has the 
knee strings tied to the ends of the dowel, and the hand strings tied towards 
the center.  We are keeping a few good examples for our future museum.  The 
rest we are selling.  

It's interesting how non-puppeteers look at puppets.  People buy things to 
hang in their apartments and really funky is just fine.  Anybody looking for 
funky puppets?  We'll be selling more things at our Puppet Slam, this Friday 
and Saturday, Oct 4 & 5 at 8 pm.  Performing will be:

Omnipresent Players  "Good Morning, Blaster"
Tommy Cannon & Co. "Trailer Park Zombie"
Tucson Puppet Works "Harvest!  Encounter in the Heartland"
Rude Rabbit Productions "Miracle Monkey
Greg Williams  "Mr. Fabulous"

Should be fun!  Everyone in the world should fly to Phoenix for this.

Nancy Smith
Great Arizona Puppet Theater
302 W Latham St
Phoenix, AZ  85003



In a message dated 9/28/2002 9:14:13 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

The controls on the marionettes donated to Greater Arizona suggest someone
from the English tradition was involved.  Traveling showmen used double
dowel controls to make things easier to pack.  They can be surprisingly
effective and may have been adapted from a South East Asian form brought
back in the days of the Empire.

Thanks for this info.  I found one with all strings still intact and not tangled and tried it out.  You're right.  They walk quite well.  Head, shoulder and back strings are tied to one dowel.  The other dowel has the knee strings tied to the ends of the dowel, and the hand strings tied towards the center.  We are keeping a few good examples for our future museum.  The rest we are selling. 

It's interesting how non-puppeteers look at puppets.  People buy things to hang in their apartments and really funky is just fine.  Anybody looking for funky puppets?  We'll be selling more things at our Puppet Slam, this Friday and Saturday, Oct 4 & 5 at 8 pm.  Performing will be:

Omnipresent Players  "Good Morning, Blaster"
Tommy Cannon & Co. "Trailer Park Zombie"
Tucson Puppet Works "Harvest!  Encounter in the Heartland"
Rude Rabbit Productions "Miracle Monkey
Greg Williams  "Mr. Fabulous"

Should be fun!  Everyone in the world should fly to Phoenix for this.

Nancy Smith
Great Arizona Puppet Theater
302 W Latham St
Phoenix, AZ  85003
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