File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 19

Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 15:33:34 -0400
Subject: RE: PUPT: Money

I have charged $35 to $100 per hour per workshop in the past.
$50 is the absolute minimum to be worth my time -and even that's low, considering the time I don't get paid for.

Unfortunately, there are alot of places that don't have a clue what it takes (and how much time!) to develop a workshop. It is much, much more work on my part to run workshops than to provide art therapy sessions or open studio sessions at an institution on a part time basis (rather than contract). I personally prefer
free form art activities -more creativity & less energy on my part.

However, the situation is outstanding in Ft. Collins, CO!!!
I would not recommend moving here if you make your livelyhood
doing workshops. The going rate is $15 an hour for client contact time. This means I don't get paid to develop unique lesson plans, writing grants, paperwork, set up & clean up, and if the place doesn't have all the supplies, I have to go out & buy them on my own time.  This is the last time I write 
a grant for a place that makes me spend time buying supplies & spending extra gas money each week going to the store.
And the workshops for kids are considered glorified babysitting at best (my 15 yr old cousin makes more money than me babysitting, considering all my costs).
Unfortunately, if you live in a place where the attitude is that 'you should be grateful you want to help people, you should volunteer for us if you want to be considered a community member' you're stuck.  I tried to garner the amount I usually make - considering I get no benefits, no free time off, no compensation for non-client based time, but basically if I want any employment in this town, I'm looking at $12 to $15 an hour for teaching, if I'm lucky.

So how did I come up with this amount? I didn't. $50 an hour for workshop is looking good to me about now... funny how things are all relative.


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