File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 31

Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 10:37:15 -0400
From: Robert Smythe <>
Subject: Re: PUPT: Re: PUPT: re:  Performers wanted

>Yes, Robert, but the name of this game was not necessarily what you
>charge, but how you come up with your numbers.  Care to add your two
>cents on that note.

Sorry, thought these were two separate issues, the first being 
dealing with people who don't want to pay what you charge.

I find a simple formula for what to charge is:

(Amount of money you want to take home) + (Taxes) + (Expenses) 
/(number of gigs you want to do)

OR, to reach the golden mean of $70,000 per annum:

(70,000) + (14,000) + ($50,000)/50 gigs =$2680 per gig.

Too expensive for your clientele? Up the number of gigs
(70,000) + (14,000) + ($50,000)/100 gigs =$1340 per gig.

Of course, you could work your tail off:
(70,000) + (14,000) + ($50,000)/300 gigs =$446 per gig.

You get the idea.

A long time ago we thought about something important: how is it 
possible to do good work if you are performing all the time with no 
time left to create new stuff? How can you create good work if you 
are so busy that you have no time to experience life and reflect on 
it in order to create new work?

Now, a word about non-profits. As part of our mission is to serve the 
public in ways that for-profits can't afford to, we get grant 
support. Therefore, we are able to lessen our expenses by adding in 
grant support, enabling us to charge what the market can bear IF 
there are compelling reasons to extend discounted prices to those 
organizations. In other words, we charge schools in depressed areas 
less than in other places because we spend a good amount of time 
finding money to cover the difference.

Does this help?
Robert Smythe
Artistic Director
Mum Puppettheatre
115 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2000

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