File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 49

Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 14:29:23 -0700
From: Setzer Michael <>
Subject: PUPT: In Rememberance

      Perhaps this isn't the place for this sort of thing...if it isn't
..I'm sorry..

May We Never Forget

     May we never forget
     the horrors of that day.
     The World Trade Center,
     a symbol of American greatness and power
     on fire, in shambles, tumbling to the ground.

     May we never forget
     the Pentagon, the backbone of American defense,
     in shambles, damaged.

     May we never forget
     the innocent lives that were lost that day,
     the madmen who decreed that these innocents must die.

     May we never forget the heroes,
     the doomed passengers who gave their lives so that others might be
     the police officers and fire fighters who pulled the survivors
     out of the rubble, even paying the ultimate price for their
     The people who gave freely and generously to heal the wounds.

     May we never forget
     that the world is still a dangerous place,
     that we must be eternally vigilant to protect ourselves against
     the world's bullies.
     That we must work hard and work together to build a better,
     safer place for us and our childern.

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