File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 52

Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 20:20:30 EDT
Subject: PUPT: Sharing the Fire



A few weeks ago, Fred Thompson (CT) shared a note with me from you, looking 
for someone who could help you incorporate puppets into your storytelling...I 
have just sent in my proposal to Lanes for the next conference, titled 
'Creating a Puppet Character for Storytelling'.  I usually tell to one puppet 
at a time, and have two signature puppets to (and with) whom I tell stories.  
They act as proxy children as I tell a story...I also tell a story as if it 
happened to me in which there is a fantasy puppet character, and I use masks &
 puppets together in a story.  Hard to give you much info over email, but 
should my proposal be accepted, I'll be there in March, and we could look 
each other up.  I'd be glad to share!

Marilyn O'Connor Miller 




A few weeks ago, Fred Thompson (CT) shared a note with me from you, looking for someone who could help you incorporate puppets into your storytelling...I have just sent in my proposal to Lanes for the next conference, titled 'Creating a Puppet Character for Storytelling'.  I usually tell to one puppet at a time, and have two signature puppets to (and with) whom I tell stories.  They act as proxy children as I tell a story...I also tell a story as if it happened to me in which there is a fantasy puppet character, and I use masks & puppets together in a story.  Hard to give you much info over email, but should my proposal be accepted, I'll be there in March, and we could look each other up.  I'd be glad to share!

Marilyn O'Connor Miller
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