File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 68

Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 15:25:06 EDT
Subject: Re: PUPT: monologues

This is a first time post for me and I have to admit to some trepidation, but 
here goes.  I've found the notion of auditioning with Lady M's speech, with a 
puppet really intriguing.  After all, Lady M. is in a dream state.  This 
speech is a peek into her subconscious which is a great place for puppets to 
play.  It seems like a wonderful opportunity to suggest a particular 
relationship between the puppet and puppeteer.  

My background and training is as an actor, though my work and passion now is 
mostly puppets.  My own shows and others.  As an actor, though, in classes 
and countless showcases here in NY, I've seen this speech done and done and 
done and even done it myself once or twice.  I would love to see what might 
come from approaching it from a completely different perspective.  Would be 
nice if there were a forum, workshop where one could explore it and get some 
feedback.  The challenge with such a familiar piece in an audition would be 
to make your audience feel like they were really seeing it for the very first 
time.  It might be an interesting choice given your purpose.

Michelle Beshaw

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