File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 88

Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 19:32:58 EDT
Subject: PUPT: Training for Puppeteers

Hello all,

This list is very helpful when it comes to offering advice and information 
that can be implemented and used by Puppeteers, Ventriloquists and others.  I 
guess that's why I look forward to each digest because I know that there will 
be something of interested discussed.  I pop in and out with questions or 
comments once in a while and hope that you can help me once again. 

I am working on our TV show called "Natural Bridges."  It combines the 
talents of great puppeteers, ventriloquists, actors and costumed characters.  
Right now we are in the process of adding 2 more puppeteers and will be 
undergoing some major puppeteer training soon, as we have some live shows to 
perform and once our TV show gets picked up, we will be performing 
practically everyday.  

My question for help comes with regard to our training.  I will be taking the 
advice of some comments posted here that mentioned to include Music, Dance 
and Acting classes as part of your training, and will be signing up my 
puppeteers and myself for some classes soon.  My BIG question comes with 
Puppetry exercises.  I would like to take everyone back to the beginning and 
have them be trained with the basics.  Does anyone have any comments or 
thoughts about what exercises we can do to improve our performances and what 
basic exercises to include in our daily training?  We use our arms and hands 
quite often, as I'm sure most Puppeteers and Ventriloquists do, and I'd like 
to know if there are any special weight exercises we can use to improve the 
strength in our arms, hands and rest of the body.  

We do use the modern tools of videotaping our performances and practice 
sessions.  This allows us to see what we are doing, what needs to be worked 
on and how we operate as a whole.   

Any information about what kind of daily Puppeteer training and/or workshops 
that we could do to take us "back to the basics" of being a puppeteer would 
be most helpful.  I want to make sure my puppeteers, ventriloquists (and 
myself) are properly trained and ready for the journey ahead.  My goal is to 
make Puppetry and Ventriloquism noticed and used to provide a source of 
entertainment and education for children and adults.  Our show is about 
change, living and learning, and with the tools we have, we can make it 
something that both Vent and Puppet communities will be proud to see and 
become a part of.  

Any help will be most appreciated.  Thanks again.  

Natural Bridges LLC
PO Box 30688
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-0688
Phone: (440) 884-2183
Phone: (216) 272-9496

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