File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 94

Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 06:20:01 -0400
From: mark segal <>
Subject: PUPT: Monologues

I think it is possible to do a Shakespearean monologue using a puppet
for an audition.
The key to it is as a lot of people have said, depends on what the
puppet does. But this is also true for an actor..
The kind of breath it takes, the physical attitude and changes, the
movement of the head, the movement of the body, etc. the words are
always secondary.
Since a puppet is in some ways the essence of a character and can be the
essence of the character at a specific moment in that character's life,
it could become a very moving and insightful piece.

It would really depend on what the character is doing what the actor is
doing.... Perhaps it is the sub consciousness of the character exposed.
Perhaps It embodies the different sides (personalities) of the
character. Am thinking specifically of Lady Macbeth.

For an audition, it would certainly accomplish that which is needed, to
stand out above the rest. To be memorable....

Maybe the monologue can become a dialogue in this fashion. Isn't a
monologue just that? A discussion between the character and itself in


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