File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2002/puptcrit.0209, message 95

From: "will stackman" <>
Subject: PUPT: RE:Shakespeare monologue(s)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:31:46 -0400

The Shakespearean monlogue I've done with a direct contact puppet - actually 
a white cardboard Hunter "Corrie" marionette with a handle on the back 
connecting the head and the shoulders - is Marc Anthony's Oration on the 
Death of Julius Caesar as performed by Richard, Lord Buckley.  The piece 
starts with my lighting one of those toy self-smoking cigarettes for his 
royal hippness. I've done it with the original recording - which was made in 
a public bathe incidently (hence the echo) and my own meagre imitation.  By 
the end, the audience is hooked.  I recently considered doing "The Seven 
Ages of Man" .  A puppet can do things miming this piece which Jaques never 
could alone.  Mary, you'd be brilliant doing it.
      And, just to promote the first PuppetSLAM/Boston of the season, this 
Saturday, among our stellar performers, will be Paul Vincent-Davis back on 
stage the first time since successful knee surgery using a new direct 
contact figure of Richard III, combining the monologue which end Henry VI 
with the opening of R III as a tabletop piece.    One reason to use speeches 
and scenes from Shakespeare is the audiences familiarity with the material.  
They can pay attention to the puppetry and remember the words along with 

"That's the way to do it!"

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