File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2003/puptcrit.0312, message 59

Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 00:20:01 -0500
From: Mathieu <>
Subject: PUPT: New ideas for mediums

Hi again.

I just came back from a Craft Fair (i'm talking Craft in the sense of
professionals in a trade with great results, not just cute deco stuff,
although of course there was some...)
In french we call it "les Métiers d'art" whcih means the careers in art.

As usual, I'm full of new inspiration.

-I will be trying again to imitate glass blowing, using hot glue or
plastics. I'll let you all know if it works.

-I saw amazing jewelry made of paper, dried orange peel, pieces of anything
glued onto a piece of cardboard. To vary colour, the artist sometimes burns
the edges of her paper or peels... It is then set with a heavy coat of
two-part resin (my guess: Envirotex light, or Aqualook)

-If some of you have never seen a copper wire tree before, please try to!
Or make your own, it's breathtaking!
One local artist here in Quebec makes the most amazingly realistic yet
mystical trees I have ever seen! He works from the thinnest caliber of
copper wire,  which is sold in thick braids. (he finds them cheap at junk
yards) He twists them together to form a tree trunk, and then separates
some strands to create limbs. He adds new limbs where he wants to. Same for
roots. He then attacks with a blowtorch.It fuses some strands together,
making the trunk and limbs all the more realistic! It corrodes and changes
colour gradually. His trees varry from "versdegris" to rust to black. He
fuses them to well selected rocks.
I saw pictures of a nine footer tree! although the biggest one I've seen up
close was three feet high by two wide. He lights his trees with a small
lamp surrounded by a cone of copper, making the mood even more magical.
Sorry folks, I don't think that artist has a website with pics. I'll be
looking and tell you if I find one.

-I also saw an artist that pushes "stuffed animals" into a whole new level
of artistry.
Makes me want to learn pattermaking even more. Puppetmaker's dream!
Her Artit name is Creation Ennovy.
95% of her pieces are sewn! Her masterpiece is called "TheHare and "His"
turtoise". It pictures a cocky Hare standing on top of a giant turtle,
holding the reigns, like for a horse. Incredible detail and personality.
I'ts about 3 by 3 feet! For 2500$, she's giving it away! I don't know how
she makes ends meet. I've seen "artists" sell 16 x 20 inches crappy cliché
paintings for 4000$!

If she ever finds the time to get a website, she'll blow people's minds.
She has some small amount of Labyrinth (movie) influence in her
creatures(don't we all owe at least a little bit to Brian Froud's art?).

Marionnettes, masques,  etc.
Puppets, Masks, etc.
Montreal, Canada
(514) 725 - 5821

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