File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_2004/puptcrit.0409, message 57

Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 14:57:54 -0400
Subject: Re: PUPT: George W. Bush and Mr. Kerry puppets (and a question)

Those are all so great - I am particularly partial to Mortimer, and would love to play chess with him or hang out on a park bench for an afternoon.  Thanks you for sharing you work.  
Some of you might remember that I recently build some Bush and Kerry puppets myself (sculpey/fimo barbie doll style).  I would love to show them to you guys but I don't have a website up (yet) to post them. They were used during a series of promos on Manhattan cable (MNN) channels all last week (36, 56, 57 and 67) but they are not on their website either.
Any suggestion on how I might show them to you since the list doesn't accept attatchments?

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