File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1997/97-02-22.183, message 140

Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 12:46:16 -0800
From: (Inder Bhasin)
Subject: Re:Remembering Ravan

       Sorry to have caused such pain. The world is so complicated.
       I agree that there has been a great distortion of the reality of events in
       Sri Lanka, Punjab and Kashmir so that if you have no personal 
       experience of life there, you take what you read in the papers quite
       literally and view it simply as a black and white situation,
       whereas  actually it is much more complex and all sides 
       involved are to blame. 


>>>>> "Imran" == Imran Markar <> writes:

    Imran> I was deeply saddened by the way a "myth" (intimately
    Imran> linked with a real Sri Lanka) was given poetic
    Imran> representation (by Inder), and later perturbed by the way
    Imran> it was blatantly transformed into political propaganda by
    Imran> Peggy.

    Imran> In fact I was awaiting a response from Inder because, as I
    Imran> quite rightly presumed, his poem was written in the spirit
    Imran> of "halloween" festivity and seemed to have no insidious
    Imran> political agenda (although it still hurt).


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