File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1997/sa-cyborgs.9707, message 12

Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 07:33:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: "Aquestion of balance"

Alpana and Manjusree ( and those of yyou who contacted me personally) -
thanks for making me realize how just human our lives are:-).

FYI - for everyone's info - I haven't yet got my new email etc yet, but
all this list and web stuff will be moving to Bowling Green State
University spaces at least by December 1997. Of course I will officially
send out the info to the lists etc and change the information sheets and
so on...
I will be working there in the Telecommunications dept starting this fall.
Its "just" about 4 hours' drive from Pittsburgh.

Manjusree - I too enjoy(ed) motherhood (and will continue to do so -
long-distance momming or not)! When I say it is overrated - I
mean that too but for me especially at times when i've felt (or feel) that
everything is coming apart and falling through (whatever),my son has given
me all the inner strength I need(ed) to get through situations.... He has
also changed the way his father perceives gender relations,
interestingly:-) - or perhaps graduate school - the two of us being
students *and* parents and "poor" and without the backup of household
workers - did that;-).

Also - as Alpana and a couple of others on this list know - when that baby 
goo-goo eyes and coos - all the anger and self-pity seems pointless:-)

In spite of all my explicit and underhand bitching - I also have a very
supportive and encouraging spouse, and my moving to Bowling Green and
finishing a Phd would be impossible without that support and



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