File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1997/sa-cyborgs.9707, message 7

Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 07:28:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: "Aquestion of balance"

Good grief - now i shall feel less sorry for myself:-)

I am presently trying to be mother (to a 14year old, *definitely* easier
than pumping milk:-) and he is being an incredibly supportive 14 year old)
a  daughter-in-law (you know, the standard 2 to 6 month visit
...- and of course i never measure up to any ideals;-)) and
trying to wrap up my diss so that I can defend before I leave for my new

which incidentally - involves leaving my son and husband in Pittsburgh
while i move - at least for about a year.

thanks for sharing, Alpana - I just remembered how much crazier my life
could be! Tenure is definitely my next nightmare - but I'm guessing my son
will be almost ready for college by then....

good luck and take care,



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