File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1998/sa-cyborgs.9801, message 26

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 18:59:44 -0800
Subject: Re: Race

cyberdiva wrote:
> Haraway on Race -
> (comments?)
> "Race is a fracturing trauma in the body politic of the nation - and in
> the mortal bodies of its people. Race kills, liberally and unequally; and
> race privileges, unspeakably and abundantly. Like nature, race has much to
> answer for; and the tab is still running for both categories. Race, like
> nature, is at hte heart of stories about the origins and purposes of the
> nation. Race, at once an uncanny unreality and an inescapable presence,
> frightens me; and I am not alone in this paralyzing historical pathology of
> body and soul. Like nature, race is the kind of category about which no one
> is neutral, no one unscatherd, no one sure of their ground, if there is a
> ground. Race is a peculiar kind of object of knowledge and practice."
> - pg.213 - "Modest_Witness-AT-Second_Millenium.FemaleMan_Meets_OncoMouse"
> (after FemaleMan, there's a copyright sign and after OncoMouse there's TM)
> _______________________________________________________
> Radhika Gajjala
> Assistant Professor
> (Multimedia, New Technologies)
> 316B West Hall
> Dept of Telecommunications
> Bowling Green State University
> Bowling Green, OH 43403
> (419)372-0528
> webpage:
> ____________________________________________________

The human capacity to create hierarchies (lowly to powerful) and
differences is what kills...I don't agree that "race" kills...people of
the *same* races are killing one another even as we "speak":  witness
all the major conflicts in the world having nothing to do with "race,"
but "religion."



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