Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:07:50 -0600 (CST) Subject: Practicing for the Folk Trance Practicing for the Folk Trance At her invitation the initiation began repeatedly moving. Simple awareness projections in animal forms gave rise to direct journeys. The bird brought messages, a flocked letter of time, a black crow beyond the window, an owl alone near illusion, a glimpse of the eagle's river, the sparrows fluttering in dry earth. The energy was a sensation an invisible pressure of akasha. Listening... the emotions crept in, ego purposes surfaced, the pressure from below grew to a great heat erupting into vivid images of Iccha Shakti. The further falling of the awareness landed in a well of time distortion like a grammatical displacement sent things of case destructured rhythm caught like sight at slow motion tableaus. Paradigm monsters of desire, structural flaws hemmed by the habits of mind. Deeper clarity brought peace to the disturbed waters. He could feel her flavor and hear her voice quiet and monotone, with a lightness of beauty to subtle to grasp, with questions she directly thought. The dark blue gave way to the sky and returned the wakening awareness all around. His mental thought of the larger truth implied by the experience she offered and he received by letting go. The quantum fluctuations were in the universal manifestation. Deeper quietness and imaginative points of entry helped to focus not on the near realism of the previews he often saw accompanied by the hype of emotions no longer tempered by the mind's surface. It started with visages of people picture memories that would flow if he chose one to follow allowing entry to the contact at the outer edge of his inner surface it became more of a widening transcription. Symbolic formations told a condensed story which analytic leaps and associative expansions brought into richness of insight. Kundalini Shakti enjoyed the lifting quality of these experiences and his conception was fulfilled as a greater potential allowed him to see the performed reality of the dense ethereal view. Still, to expand the mind habits to a greater way of seeing, the truth of her poem began to uncover the hidden parallels, the shared themes, synchronicities in formations of her manifesting body and its event sphere filled with her world (unmesha). It was the desire arising that fueled his journey and pushed him to the edge of the world. The roar ahead pulled him to bhoga, the land of power, but a deeper longing for the sky allowed the wind to come along. The light began to enter to transform and empower the codified sets of her culture's play. Aspirations bloom like Jesus sometimes or a rediscovered love comes anew. Vrtti labeled the modifiers of consciousness the manifesters she used presented themselves in environments circulations where Laksmi sometimes graced. Saraswati exacted with concentration sincerity seemed to focus and deepen the contact, but still it a was boat floating on a sea of ignorance a limitation to the direct true knowing an eavesdrop that splashed in the maya, a feeling that clung at a low self-esteem and a pattern of ego. Joy came and softened into quietness and she drifted in more... Sterling Hart
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