Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 10:22:20 -0800 think to a link that broke quick in the business of affairs of memory and season and broken hearts and dreams that began with I love you when all other metaphors fail for loss that is deep and meaningful all I have is love and its companion love lost and the place it will take you beneath the pain in your eyes is the ache in your heart of life left only memories I laid to rest in the arms of every motherfucker who hurt me novacaine, my novacaine slick nightmare dream man helps me forget of feeling the failure of nothing being enough to take nothing away from the pain of a family that can't make love the way it made hate my feet run backwards, forwards, in any direction of truth to find nothing but a girl pursing her lips pursuing a way out to freedom in any position but remembrance think about that motherfucker
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