File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1998/sa-cyborgs.9801, message 6

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 13:24:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: New Media & Society - Call for Papers (fwd)

>     Call for Papers
>     New Media & Society is a new international journal edited by Nicholas
>     Jankowski, Steven Jones, Rohan Samarajiva and Roger Silverstone, and
>     published by SAGE Publications. The first issue will be published in
>     April 1999.
>     New Media & Society is being launched to provide an interdisciplinary
>     forum for the examination of the social dynamics of media and
>     information change. The journal will engage in critical discussions of
>     the key issues arising from the scale and speed of new media
>     development, drawing on a wide range of disciplinary perspectives and
>     on both theoretical and empirical research.
>     For further information about contributing and subscribing to the
>     journal please contact:
>     Jane Makoff, SAGE Publications, 6 Bonhill Street  London EC2A 4PU
>     Email:
>     SAGE website:

Radhika Gajjala
moderator third-world-women
moderator women-writing-culture
co-moderator sa-cyborgs
co-moderator postcolonial

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 "The computer, as designed, embodies the command-and-control structure
			     of a hierarchical society." Iain A.Boal (1995).


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