Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 08:11:43 -0400 (EDT) Subject: a few quotes - stray thoughts - in relation to this list What does "personal is political" mean within the context of this list? Or within the context of commodification of the personal voice on the internet? [[["At a moment when the autobiographical voice is so highly commodified - most visibly on talk shows... " Behar (1996) Is the personal narrative merely a commodified narrative of "self" "selves" apolitical and self-satisfied a kind of psychoanalytic display?]] When does the personal narrative about our everyday lives have relevance in a discussion? [[who decides "relevance" - you ask outraged you form another list of narratives that you will allow relevance to you another niche community online virtually commodified even in our outrages.... perhaps?]]] What does it mean to break with form? does it mean does it have to mean at all? who decides? the one with the majordomo Access or the programming "skills" (de-skills de-skills de-skilled killed) perhaps ? is sharing a stray personal narrative on the internet severing accountability to "rl" is this act of disjointed sharing "writing vulnerably"? i think not. not. not always... Because Behar says what I want to say about relevance to this list focus she says it better than i in talking about the Academy and Borders ace a dummy bore duhs "It is far from easy to think up interesting ways to locate oneself in one's own text. Writing vulnerably takes as much skill, nuance, and willingness to follow through on all the ramifications of a complicated idea as does writing invulnerably and distantly. I would say it takes greater skill. The worst that can happen in an invulnerable text is that it will be boring. But when an author has made herself or himself vulnerable, the stakes are higher: a boring self-revelation, on that fails to move the reader, is more than embarrassing; it is humiliating. ... only interesting if one is able to draw deeper connections between one's personal experience and the subject under study... it does require a keen understanding of what aspects of the self are the most important filters through which one perceives the world and, more particularly, the topic ... Efforts at self-revelation flop not because the personal voice has been used, BUT BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN POORLY USED [[CAPS MINE, WORDS HERS]], LEAVING UNSCRUTINIZED THE CONNECTION, INTELLECTUAL AND EMOTIONAL, BETWEEN THE OBSERVER AND THE OBSERVED [[BETWEEN THE WRITER AND THE WRITTEN-ABOUT]]] VULNERABILITY DOESN'T MEAN THAT ANYTHING PERSONAL GOES [ CAPS MINE WORDS HERS - BUT, BY GOLLY I MEAN WHAT SHE SAYS]] The exposure of the self who is also a spectator has to take us somewhere we couldn't otherwise get to. It has to be essential to the argument, not a decorative flourish, not exposure for its own sake... [yes by golly, i mean what she says] I has to perform the wisdom of not leaving the writing pad blank." (Behar, 1996, pgs 13 -14...ish) but by golly i do mean what she sez.... _____________________________________ Radhika Gajjala _______________________________________
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