File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1999/sa-cyborgs.9908, message 18

Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 14:27:14 -0400
Subject: caught up in a muse-

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caught up in a museum many wanted out after having paid so much during and for years of instruction they now wanted out of such confining refining spaces where vast reaches intervals real ether-bloaters physicality substrate defense and not even the way that notice aggravates both waves hello and halo such a small apartment three deck-hands swept overboard an invasion and some blood was spilt 'n' spelt this came as some snort of a relief in the midst of no signals zone challenge along night's highway being fed by sheroes and heroes who by example shower the waves madness gladness down in it and emerge porpoise-like joyously gasping desperately grasping too often a little ragged to wonderstate comes with the terrorstory along with the innumerable blissings try t' count'em oh yes to the magnetics here at work that stimulate give thanks in the millions but not there to end nor resolvingly mend at the door the shatterers hurtful beneficial views/praxis aswirl



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