File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1999/sa-cyborgs.9908, message 6

Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 14:21:45 -0400
Subject: dear she says dear you're always gone dear always and now with

{ }

dear she says dear you're always gone dear always dear gone dear and
now with that to demonstrate if not modulate more smoothly as per
classic: rever more wildly celebrated distances yield reject play
reploy the part(s) of Kate: celebrated for lack of intervening very
clothely your line-control couldn't wouldn't include that time this
time that haven pen sled now t' vine a way pack in no not this however
maybe that no not that ethereal ur-line cutting the lulls willfare
specific radio grief wield the weird child party oh back there it was
urine control that fits in a little bitter here where chilly rose (up)
on the spot target movie flash relations no ice write the wave weave
some space grace await its greasy banks frozen pivots from the sea not
the only but one of the oceans sea choral relief curl the tube with
fingers slightly touching its watery walls all dynamic frozen pivots:
voter's eyes energies' showers enter here the concern no worry yes
worry along the way that no account kept of just where the source file
and where and what on it from it etc. glowing black just a little for
careerity: voters's eyes voters sighs showers shown blown off guard the
open pleasure rounds just happened the question of which voice is there
a voice which voice if voiced exists at all? the down gittin' up 'n'
the up gittin' down rage page prep they all slid into one another they
all slid into one anothers' distance upheld one anothers' distances
held up rubbed close something you might like to write the youth the
aged the ageless wageless stageless pageless rageless timeless enormity
eternity pain joy of now then when more constant egg-cell lens pour
happenings less stress less dress to a certain uncertain paint painted
out in full claim persuasion keeping in mind that nothing is full
except that it might well act that way spill over though actually there
was a little more room in there t' fill without it having t' spill why
that contention instead of any other thing that might have occurred in
locusluogo don't answer muted do however mute without dispute and sow
for earth on dawn the newborn pain joy of now when? tension resolution
solution dissolution tension reborn day and night the wheel spiral
revolve evolve forthward word-trail word-trial as distorting mirror
trace when to read (rewrite) the first (versed) page current flak the
thunderwriters vocal points ink as a kind of flesh digital pre-feather
remote space glide here a moment while another that had not yet
introduced itself waited until the re-arrival of and then the circling
before landing necessary ink of the flesh kind: a story is about to be
told waiting for replay having skipped over a puppet surface
announcement and having skipped over another without courage to include
bound feet bound brains reveal unplugged same from higher mind from
soul the nude program guide a good mountain of pages chick-points speed
not speed the pressure-group theory of woman locate a nature who higher
wind turn wound up down on in the ground glow undo battlefluid hungered
them undisclosed hand-made dollies cloakwork arrange disentangle
dismangle yes the personal it does come up bubblic statements to that
deflect international beastkeepers tweak-end cupcake 'n' a lot o' utter
fractors injure in t' the pick flicture last cheer in myth case hot
elephants frequent fatigues answered memories of blue carts into which
cracked mirrors 'n' cracked dice 'n' cracked ice repertoireepertour
might not o' gone no further if it weren't feur flea time that could
not in this instant stance be resisted oh no what is this? maya clock
questions of energy directions fannyfest themselves seedily in a huff
enough dis-phased for the versd Dr. Pill: My Sacred Life cavernous
blink myth Heil! my coldest friend t' hide: icy dead people flock let's
glow the way they lost I.D. orbitrary punishments curse made a nasty
piece of its own accord of its own A-chord nervous and tremblink ooze
curliest recollections come up command veiled little flick joins
Popkin's quill-tempered stealth delay care in openness but open nest
prolonged Mouthfallen proprieties ease Blinkles poor doubt peach house
proper tease knifespire excess energies management ink-orbit rated loom
plush pour doubt echoes spy pie buy by the mirror slaying impulse t'
try a longer wave life from the desert in the dessert blow wrong
contact blinks from a divers groundless flackground this slatest page
of the gloryteller verbal remedies contrast trimities emblematize
tolerate snakespear in the bush disinterestedly in betweave ashen
cream(s) motherness in literary language careening up dearthy brackets
mythunderstanding(s) there comets a time for reach for each child to
re-member itself itch way it glows waiting for reploy ink tore away
adorn away a door away a




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