File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1999/sa-cyborgs.9908, message 7

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 19:53:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: virtuality and memory

a dream about memory?

so what bounds one life, in the end?
what forces patrol borders 
between "real" and 
"virtual" self?

certain markers grow blurry
furry   they fade due into distance
due to fiction
due to friction
due to bleach and hot sun

biography: "this is what happened"
sub-title: "renata's life as a spy"
the book recalls listening 
tours with Hilary Clinton  
arm in arm they waltzed 
learning accents and faces
displacing places and names

at night now, she paces
dreams fables and nightmares
new fairy-tales set once again
in an old of fear

medieval bedtime stories: "Puss in Boots"
the men fear women, so they burn witches 
the men fear darkness, so they burn cats

the a Plague comes: fruit of men's labour
prize of their logic, their fire
the witches sizzle   the felines hiss
for years, a pyre rages 
then abruptly
there is no more 

no more ominous, waverly light
no more cats to eat rats
no more girls to clean house
enter diseases carried by rodents
enter bacteria and mice

slowly, invisible monsters creep into pillows
invisible beasties sleep tight under willows
invisible lice overtake 
pots and pans

in the dream, the lone men are sorry 
they pray for the women and cats to return
"arise from the dead!" they command
"use your unholy powers and come back!"
but for some mysterious reason, 
the charred corpses will not rise

delirious, the men begin hearing 
faint whispers at first, but then later
loud shrieks   a fever carresses 
their brains   rust-colored ice bites
their veins    they call out
"ja nie wiem."
"i forget how it happened."
"i didn't do it."
"i am dead."

centuries later, in a new village 
someone discovers a cat
a small cat, a black cat 
a cat with green eyes
"what creature is this?" he asks.
someone else says, "memory is like the ocean." 
"yes," he agrees, "memory is like riding a bike."
it all comes back, does it not?
no, perhaps not because no one 
in the village remembers 
owning a bicycle 
no one in the village remembers 
owning a cat.

a small child grows angry
she disapproves of their amnesia:
"i do not speak that language"
"i used to speak that language"
"i have not heard that accent before."
"where is your accent from?"
eyes on fire, they ask her sincerely
"are you a cat?"

what accent? she wonders, in the morning
what woman? what witch? what cat?
she wonders, shivers, in the morning
what was that nightmare about?

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Cyberdiva wrote:

> >
> >______________
> >
> >
> >*The theme* for this period starting July 1999 -
> >
> >The politics of "virtuality" in relation to place, race, gender, class,
> >caste and so on... 
> >________
> >
> >This list focuses on interactive, experimental creative writing with an
> >implicit focus on gender, race, class, caste etc identity issues pertaining
> >to voice and voicelessness, silence and resistance, Self and Other
> narratives...
> >
> >
> >If you have questions, send a message to (Radhika
> >Gajjala - technical liason and moderator of sa-cyborgs)
> >
> >
> > What are the boundaries between "RL" (real life) and "VL" (virtual 
> >life) if any - what are the boundaries between "global" and "local" - where
> >are we going with writing (wrything) online, where writing is existence 
> >and not-writing disappears voices...
> >
> >what are the possibilities and (im) posssibilities of our 
> >transborgized selves merging textually into each other's context - the
> >implications of which are not yet fully (may never be fully) understood... 
> >what can we produce in these dangerous encounters of the "self" and "other" and
> >"other" as "self" - the blurring, the surfing, the wrything....
> > 
> > cyberculture and identity. wrything the cyborgian body.
> > cyber-chronicles, "rl" chronicles, sci-fi articulations, doing the
> > cyborgian dance on a cyber-kailasham -
> > 
> > the fears, the uncertainties, the excitement, the cynicism, the
> > transborgification....
> > 
> > this is the list.
> >
> >==============================> >Administrative commands:
> >==============================> >
> >To subscribe to sa-cyborgs, send a message to 
> >
> > 
> >
> >Leave the subject line blank.
> >In the body of the message, say
> >
> >       subscribe sa-cyborgs
> >
> >The "majordomo" address above is different from the address of the
> > sa-cyborgs list itself.  In order to get a message posted to the list,
> >send it -- with whatever subject line you consider appropriate --
> >to
> >
> > 
> >
> >The difference is as follows.  "sa-cyborgs" is basically a list of e-mail
> >addresses; to send a message to "sa-cyborgs" is equivalent to requesting
> >that the message get distributed to all the addresses on the list.
> >"majordomo", on the other hand, is a program which accepts commands
> >sent to it by mail.  The number of commands it understands is limited,
> >and they all have to do with the upkeep of mailing lists: adding
> >addresses, deleting addresses, sending info about lists, etc.  Thus,
> >a message sent to "sa-cyborgs" will simply appear, verbatim, in the
> >mailbox of each subscriber; a message sent to "majordomo" will either
> >result in some listserver action being taken or in a reply notifying 
> >you that your command has not been understood.  In all messages to
> >majordomo, the commands in the body of the message have to be spelled 
> >with absolute and shocking correctness -- they get interpreted by 
> >a machine, not a person.  The subject line gets disregarded and
> >can be anything.
> >
> >To get a complete list of all possible majordomo commands, send 
> >to a message whose body contains 
> >the single word 
> >
> >          help
> >
> >
> >If you need further help or have any questions, please contact the
> >technical liaison for the list, Radhika Gajjala ( 
> >
> >==============================> > Archives: 
> >==============================> >
> >This list is automatically archived. 
> >There are several ways to access the archive.  One is from the Spoon home page,
> >whose URL is
> >This method of archive access also allows you to use the Excite search engine
> >to locate archive files containing discussion of specific topics.  
> >
> >You can also access the archive using gopher.  The path is:  
> > of the Institute/
> >                                                     Discussion Lists/Spoons
> >
> >Another method is through the majordomo command "get".  In this method, you 
> >obtain selected files by sending commands to the following address: 
> >
> >
> >
> >First, send the message 
> >
> >   index sa-cyborgs
> >
> >to find out what files are available and what their full path names are.
> >Then send the message
> >
> >    get sa-cyborgs FILENAME
> >
> >for every file you'd like to look at, where FILENAME includes the name of
> >the directory the given file is in, as returned from the "index" command
> >(e.g. "get sa-cyborgs sa-cyborgs_1997/sa-cyborgs_Dec.97.ind").
> >
> >Another way is through anonymous ftp from
> >The directory is pub/pubs/listservs/spoons/sa-cyborgs.archive.
> >
> >The archive is divided into subdirectories by year.  The names of the
> >individual files reflect their chronology.  The files with the ".ind" suffix 
> >contain tables of contents.  If you're accessing the archive via e-mail to 
> >majordomo or via FTP, the best way is to first get the ".ind" files for 
> >the given period, and then decide, on the basis of the tables of contents, 
> >which actual message-files you want.
> >
> >The most recent posts are kept in the top-level directory, in files
> >whose names reflect the period the file pertains to. 
> >__________________________________
> >Radhika Gajjala
> >
> >
> >alternate email addresses
> > 
> >
> >
> >>>>> end
> >
> email:


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