File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_1999/sa-cyborgs.9908, message 8

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 20:56:15 -0400
Subject: Re: virtuality and memory

>what accent? she wonders, in the morning
>what woman? what witch? what cat?
>she wonders, shivers, in the morning
>what was that nightmare about?

it was about the thunder

about a roller coaster ride on the turnpike

yama calling

as mother earth came to her rescue

swirling through the rain

                yama called out to her

with the thunder

"da da da"


what upanishad 
what accent

what belief

                mother earth was there to give her a hug

and the puss in boots
rescued her offspring as through the moonroof, they climbed homeward bound.

not knowing where home was

when the road was often the only home they knew

today's gypsies

homeward bound

away from home

                today's nomads

maybe they had a home sometime in a past life

when mother earth did not have to follow them around and keep them safe

and sita did not sink into the


for life goes on and the struggle continues

virtual and real

nightmares and fantasies


life goes on

                as xena and gabriel cry out in hate
each other

grieve the loss of children

                with secrets and truths

life goes on.


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