Subject: Journal of Consumer Culture - Call for papers Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 08:10:27 -0500 >From: G Ritzer, D Slater - Journal of Consumer Culture >To: CULTSTUD-L: A listserv devoted to Cultural Studies >Sent: 08/03/00 16:23 >Subject: [cultstud-l] Journal of Consumer Culture - Call for papers > >Members of this list may be interested in submitting papers to this new >journal: > > > > > **CALL for PAPERS** > > > > JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE > > > >Editors: >George Ritzer, University of Maryland >Don Slater, Goldsmiths College, University of London > > >The JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE is a major new journal designed to >support >and promote the dynamic expansion in interdisciplinary research on >consumption and consumer culture. The goal is both to provide an outlet >for current thinking and debate and, more importantly, to open up new >areas of exploration. Global in perspective and drawing on both theory >and >empirical research, the journal reflects the need to engage critically >with modern consumer culture and to understand its central role in >contemporary social processes. > >The JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE brings together articles from the many >social sciences and humanities in which consumer culture has become a >significant focus. It also engages with overarching contemporary >perspectives on social transformation, all of which give unprecedented >importance to consumption in understanding social processes at both >local >and global levels. > >The JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE covers a wide range of topics relating >consumer culture to issues such as: > >* globalization * shopping and marketing * the body * ecommerce and the >information society * social divisions of gender, class, sexuality and >ethnicity * commodification * aestheticisation and virtuality * science >and technology studies * environmental critiques * popular and material >culture * identity * taste, style and fashion * classical and >contemporary >social theory * economic sociology * work * production and design * >media >and cultural consumption * > >Editorial Board: >Zygmunt Bauman, University of Leeds >Pierre Bourdieu, College de France >Mark Granovetter, Stanford University >Douglas Kellner, UCLA >Angela McRobbie, Goldsmiths College University of London >Daniel Miller, University College London >Viviana Zelizer, Princeton University >Sharon Zukin, CUNY > >Advisory Board: >Arjun Appadurai, University of Chicago >Russel Belk, University of Utah >Colin Campbell, York University >Allison Clarke, Royal College of Art >Dan Cook, University of Illinois-Champaign >Gary Cross, Pennsylvania State University >Pasi Falk, University of Helsinki >Ben Fine, SOAS, University of London >Gary A. Fine, Northwestern University >Eva Illouz, Tel Aviv University >Mark Gottdiener, SUNY, Buffalo >Victoria de Grazia, Columbia University >Sut Jhally, University of Massachusetts, Amherst >Stephen Kline, Simon Fraser University >Michele Lamont, Princeton University >Celia Lury, Goldsmiths College, London University >Peter Lunt, University College London >Michel Maffesoli, Sorbonne >Frank Mort, University of East London >Chandra Mukerji, University of California >Mica Nava, University of East London >Per Ostergaard, Odense University >Elspeth Probyn, University of Sydney >Juliet Schor, Harvard University >Nigel Thrift, Bristol University >Melanie Wallendorf, University of Arizona >Richard Wilk, University of Indiana >Elizabeth Wilson, University of North London >Alan Warde, Manchester University > > >The JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE invites contributions for early issues. >Deadline for submissions for the first issue (June 2001) is September >2000. > >Five copies of the manuscript should be submitted, typed, double-spaced >on >one side of the page only. This should be accompanied by a disk with the >file in Word or WordPerfect. The length should not normally exceed 8000 >words. Each submission will be refereed anonymously by at least two >referees. The journal uses the Harvard system of referencing with the >author's name and date in the text and a full bibliography in >alphabetical >order at the end of the article. > >Contributions should be submitted to: > >Professor George Ritzer >Department of Sociology >University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, >MD 20742, USA >Email: > >or > >Don Slater >Department of Sociology >Goldsmiths College, University of London, New >Cross, London SE14 6NW, UK >Email: > >Sage Publications Ltd >6 Bonhill Street >London, EC2A 4PU >UK >Email: >Tel: +44 (0)171 330 1266 >Fax: +44 (0) 171 374 8741 >Sage website: > > >______________________________________________________________________ >To unsubscribe, write to >Start Your Own FREE Email List at >
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