File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_2000/sa-cyborgs.0003, message 7

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 19:13:01 -0500
Subject: as the real world turns....

cyberdiva has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to cart cyberdiva off to bed.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva goes home.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva picks up tanpura.
cyberdiva has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to cart cyberdiva off to bed.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva goes home.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to cart cyberdiva off to bed.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva drops tanpura.
cyberdiva picks up tanpura.
cyberdiva drops tanpura.
cyberdiva goes home.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to cart cyberdiva off to bed.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva picks up tanpura.
cyberdiva goes home.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to cart cyberdiva off to bed.
cyberdiva has arrived.
cyberdiva has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to cart cyberdiva off to bed.
cyberdiva has arrived.


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