File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_2000/sa-cyborgs.0003, message 8

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 19:26:41 -0500

You have just entered the serene, quiet moo-home of cyberdiva....
anakin_skywalker has disconnected.
Hippie arrives from diva's room
You have just entered the serene, quiet moo-home of cyberdiva....
Hippie leaves for diva's room
juandoe arrives from diva's room
in silence
melancholy seeps into your being
juandoe has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to remove juandoe.
rad arrives.
rad has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to remove rad.
rad arrives.
melancholy seeps into your being
Radhika Gajjala


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