File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_2000/sa-cyborgs.0005, message 20

Subject: MOO Play
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:25:13 -0400

>From: Lee-Ellen Marvin <>
>Subject: MOO Play
>X-MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on MAILGW02/SERVER/BGSU(Release 5.0.2b
>|December 16, 1999) at
> 05/23/2000 11:32:20 PM,
>	Serialize by POP3 Server on MAIL05/SERVER/BGSU(Release 5.0.2b
>|December 16, 1999) at
> 05/24/2000 08:07:39 AM,
>	Serialize complete at 05/24/2000 08:07:39 AM
> ; margin-bottom: 0 }  -->y I'm participating in a fascinating play, which
>will happen on AtheMOO, the hypertext virtual reality devoted to theatre. 
>I hope you can join us!
> "During a recent routine -AT-dig in ATHEMOO, a hole appeared in an office wall.
> There behind the wall was found four women - sisters suspended in time and
> pace.  Each sister living under a curse to endlessly tell endless tales in
> hypertext. These are the daughters of Scheherazade.  Visit them, hear
>their stories, experience theatre online!"
> Scherazade's Daughters will be taking place twice:
>         Friday, May 26 at 12 noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT)
>       Thursday, June 1 at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT)
> AtheMOO is at:
> using telnet==>      9999
>  From the Web==>      (and click on
>Open MOOtcan)
> If you've never done a MOO before, get in touch with me, and I'll give
>you some ideas about how to use it.  A MOO is a MUD, which is something
>like a chat room, but much richer.  The experience of being logged into a
>MOO is something like participating in the rough draft of a novel.


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