Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 06:49:40 -0400 Subject: If you wish to unsubscribe from this list - please contact me. _______________________ SA-CYBORGS IS A (Moderated) LIST BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE SPOON COLLECTIVE ______________ NOTE: when sending a message to the list check for relevance - check archives - please participate in the interactive exchange of creative expression - and if using a web-based mail program like hotmail or yahoo, make sure do disable the html format - not all subscribers recieve messages through a web-based interface. No messages to this list will be sent out without moderator approval. Moderator approves creative writing, conversational, reacting to writing-on-the-list type posts relevant to the framing of this list and if they are not rude, sexist, lewd etc -however in certain cases she will either not approve and/or consult with sa-cyborgs consulting/advisory collective (members tba) regarding the appropriateness of the response/post. ___ This list focuses on interactive, experimental creative writing with an implicit focus on gender, race, class, caste, sexuality, age, geographical location.... etc identity/political/economic/spacio-temporal/geographic... issues pertaining to voice and voicelessness, silence and resistance, Self and Other narratives... "women" produce "writerly texts" [writerly texts -see Barthes - interrupt conventions of reading/writing and require readers who participate in meaning making - online this can happen visibly only if you participate on-list..."readerly texts" on the other hand, are those which fulfill our expectations of conventions that allow readers to be passive consumers... this is not the goal of this "list"] participation is thus necessary and invited ... Note that the focus is on "wo-men's" subjectivities and creative *self*writing. There are implicit rules - even if not all clearly articulated in the info sheet - see archives... (contradictory as this may sound - there are a variety of theoretical and practical reasons for the implicit and explicit rules - based on my experience online since 1994 that I can cite - feel free to try and discuss these with me *off-list* sometime). Rude, sexist, racist, classist and so on interruptions will not be tolerated. join with an open adventurous mind. don't expect to understand it all. There are no organized dictionaries for the unsaid, yet-to-be-said, the silences and refusals of counter-hegemonic narratives.... nor should there be... perhaps, maybe we produce mestiza ecriture (see perhaps, maybe not There is a "moo" component for sa-cyborg-writing - if you wish to join cyberdiva/cyborgwati in co-creating - just drop by - at linguamoo or mediamoo - sign on as guest if you are not a regular on those moos and find Diva's shack (media moo) or Diva's Hut (lingua) - if you need more details or have never "moo-ed" and would like to experiment - or wish to set up a "staging" time, contact me at . To quote Lee-Ellen Marvin a moo performer - "The experience of being logged into a MOO is something like participating in the rough draft of a novel" or prose poem...? If you have questions, send a message to (Radhika Gajjala - technical liason and moderator of sa-cyborgs) see archives from ________ also see for a glimpse at some of listmutations - (the listmutations are a part of my quest to see if we can indeed "design" interactive online sites that are actually dialogic in some way - this includes listmutations that occured in relation to the technicalities and everyday "duties" related to managing a list (which aren't much, usually, but as list-owners know there's a different back-stage organizational - or chaotic - perspective added on ...)- leads to questions of what really *is* "dialogic" in virtual practice (see . **************************************************** Radhika Gajjala
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