File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_2001/sa-cyborgs.0106, message 2

Date: 	Mon, 4 Jun 2001 12:07:36 -0500
Subject: Re:

reluctant dancing cyborgs

tell her the story of buddha
radha's dance teacher told me
she has to know how to cry
in the final scene, as little rahul comforting his mother
when sidhartha steals away in the dead of the night
renunciating his kshathriya dharma

but radha doesnt need telling
as yashodhara wails in grief
betrayed by a husband's need to find
his solitary road to nirvana

her little face is solemn
she cannot bear her 'mother's' grief

               as i watch the time worn scene of a woman
in grief and anger
at being left behind

while sidhartha became buddha
what happened to yashodara

      the story of women who realise that they have to survive
their men....
of sita and sathya...
of yashodara

          looking through the eyes of my daughter radha in her dancing


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